Upcoming courses

Penta has a history of running high-quality paediatric HIV clinical training since 2005, in collaboration with a range of partners from Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia. In line with our scientific strategy, and to build on the success of the existing global PentaTr@ining platform, we are also developing teaching material in other key paediatric infectious diseases of concern. Penta is now actively engaged in clinical research in neonatal sepsis, antimicrobial resistance, hepatitis and fungal infections in paediatrics, and we plan to start delivering targeted training programmes on each of these topics from 2022 onwards.

Last year we successfully delivered the first edition of our brand new online course  PentaTr@ining: Fungal Infections in Paediatrics. Led by an expert international faculty, this exciting training programme comprises 6 in-depth modules with interactive animated cases, engaging expert lectures and thought-provoking discussion forums. Moreover, the learning throughout each module was consolidated with lively ‘Q&A’ webinar sessions. The course concluded in December 2022.

We are also committed to tackling hepatic infection in children and to bringing this issue to the attention of clinicians, researchers and industry alike. An estimated 354 million people worldwide live with hepatitis B or C, and for most, testing and treatment remain beyond reach. However, there remain striking knowledge gaps for paediatric hepatitis, despite several millions of children living with chronic HBV and HCV worldwide. A significant proportion these are also living with HIV. In December 2022, we launched our comprehensive new online course: PentaTr@ining: Viral Hepatitis in Children. In line with the WHO response, our goal is to address specific knowledge gaps in order to establish best practices for the management, care and treatment of children and adolescents living with viral hepatitis.This exciting new PentaTr@ining course concluded on 7th May 2023.

The World Health Organisation has declared Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) as one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity, and underlined this with the launch of the ‘WHO AWaRe Antibiotic Book’ in December 2022. The aim of the handbook is to provide global guidance on managing the most common bacterial infections in children and adults in both primary care and hospital settings, including the choice of drug, dose, and duration. In an era when increasing levels of antibiotic resistance may impact the treatment of severe infections, this represents an opportunity to provide further training on the rationale for the WHO recommendations, discussion on how these could be locally adapted, and future ideas for implementation.Through a collaborative training initiative, we have developed online modules within a child-centered teaching model using innovative distance learning methods.Our expert tutors have identified the top 10 hospital and community-acquired clinical infections prevalent in both high-income and resource-limited regions. Our goal is to support the ongoing learning needs of paediatric healthcare providers working around the world today. The first edition of our timely new programme PentaTr@ining: AMR Online Course drew to a close on 4th May 2023.

Ultime modifiche: sabato, 10 giugno 2023, 15:27