Online E-Learning

PentaTr@ining: online e-learning

PentaTr@ining builds on the success of the previous Tr@inforPedHIV courses, and now includes training content and programmes on other paediatric infectious diseases. Our online modules are highly interactive and focus on case-based, patient-centred teaching.

Our Approach 

High Quality Tailored Content
Tutored online training and real life clinical cases
Acclaimed faculty
Highly experienced, world class faculty
Long term commitment
Networking opportunities to forge lasting clinical, teaching and research networks
Innovative learning design
Use of discussion forums and interactive webinars

HIV & other Congenital Infections:

Module 1

Preventing Vertical Transmission of HIV

Module 2

Congenital ‘SCORTCH’ Infections

Module 3

Children with HIV

Module 4

Treating HIV in children

Module 5

Complexities of HIV, co-infections and co-morbidities

Module 6

Adolescents, Sexual Health and ‘Living with HIV’

Fungal Infections in Paediatrics:

Module 1

Fungal infections in children with haematological malignancies

Module 2

HIV/AIDS Associated Mycoses

Module 3

Invasive candidiasis in neonatal and paediatric intensive care settings

Module 4

Fungal infections in children with primary immunodeficiencies

Module 5

To be Launched

Module 6

To be Launched

The design of our Learning Management System (LMS) has been specifically tailored for this training course. This environment is very user-friendly and provides a shared space for delegates and teaching faculty to solve problems together and engage in a collaborative and synergistic building of knowledge. It maintains a learning portfolio for each participant and manages student interaction with individually assigned online instructors. The e-learning platform is also fully compatible with mobile and tablet devices.

Pre and post module tests will help participants and tutors to monitor the efficacy of the online learning every step of the way. Our lively discussion forums will allow for specific questions to be raised and for rewarding group interaction. The platform will also provide the student with access to essential further reading documents and enduring educational material.
Ultime modifiche: mercoledì, 2 novembre 2022, 15:44